Our extensive programme optimisation capability has enabled clients to use objective data to underpin mission critical decisions. Bringing together existing project data sets, DBD's delivery toolkit and our mission optimisation teams expertise ensure all project KPIs are delivered through:
Mission Optimisation & Modelling Capabilities
- Discrete and Continuous event system modelling
- Supporting delivery of Major Infrastructure development programmes
- Programme Optimisation utilising bespoke software developed by DBD’s in house experts
- Data Centred Management
- Project and Programme controls
- Developing complex digital tools and platforms to simplify our clients missions
DBD has a proven track record in providing specialist modelling support to major high-hazard projects and plants. This expertise includes: Dynamic Process Simulation Modelling & Operational Equipment Effectiveness Modelling. Utilising Dynamic Process Simulation Modelling, DBD has drawn on the wide-ranging process engineering experience and knowledge of our team to assist clients on modelling major plant operations, in order to ensure that the plant runs at its optimum level prior to commissioning and ultimately operations. This ensures that the design can be verified early and any risks can be addressed at this stage, thus reducing project costs during the construction and commissioning phases. The Simulators can be utilised to train operators effectively.
DBD has capability and experience in the design, management and implementation of a variety of Performance Dashboards. Ranging from strategic managerial dashboards (designed to display clearly and without ambiguity the current status against difference targets and commitments) to detailed Safety Critical Key Performance Indicator (KPI) based dashboards. DBD is able to assist clients in applying modern best practice to both front end dashboard displays and the back end data-driven coding scenarios. Clear data driven dashboard messages facilitate agile and flexible responses much quicker than traditional time based reports.
Our extensive programme optimisation and delivery capability has enabled clients to:
- Focus constrained resources (physical and financial) to delivery maximum value
- Manage risks and opportunities to deliver optimal outcomes
- Integrate delivery across partners with misaligned priorities
- Use objective data to underpin mission critical decisions